A1 All Care
NDIS Provider


At A1 All Care, we understand using NDIS can be confusing, and that is why we are here to help.

We assist people applying for NDIS or transitioning to other schemes by checking their NDIS eligibility.

Get The NDIS You Want

A1 All Care is a registered NDIS provider guiding you to prepare for your NDIA meeting, review your plan, and help you bring your plan to life.

Helping All People Around Australia.

NDIS is a national scheme, which means it's available to people of any age between 7 and 65 years with a disability in any part of Australia. The NDIS lets you: design your own support package; choose who provides your support; get the right assistance for as long as you need it.


People With Disability Choose The Providers They Work With

NDIS is a new way of providing individualized support for people with disability, their families, and carers. Through NDIS, people have more choices about the providers they work with.

NDIS Is The Way Of The Future

NDIS will provide Australians with disability more opportunities to live their lives the way they want, and that's a good thing. Over 460,000 Australians will be transitioning into NDIS in the coming years and this is just the beginning. The new scheme will help ensure that no one is denied a place at school because of their disability. And for those who aren't eligible for NDIS, there's always Medicare.

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Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us.
